Protein crystallization
and X-ray diffraction analysis
The Center for Structural Studies (CSS) is a central scientific research and service facility of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.
The CSS aims for scientific tasks within all areas of structure-supplying methods at an atomic level. The CSS provides all steps as full-service as well as access to our infrastructure and scientific support for the individual experiments of all members of the HHU and external users.
In particular:
Further details, additional services and useful information can be found under „Services“ and „Sample Preparation“.
All users of the CSS must acknowledge the DFG in their publications:
"The Center for Structural Studies is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG Grant number 417919780)."
For X-ray diffraction data please mention also „INST 208/740-1 FUGG“ (X-ray diffractometer) and "INST 208/868-1 FUGG" (crystallization hotel and pipetting robot), for SAXS data „INST 208/761-1 FUGG“ (SAXS machine).